Listen to this episode from Based with Senator Alex Antic on Spotify. Andrea Amico is the founder of Privacy4Cars - a privacy tech company focused on identifying and responding to the challenges po...
Connected car data has been used to alert insurance companies if drivers are accelerating too... Andrea Amico, CEO of Privacy4Cars and an expert on vehicle privacy and cybersecurity, called...
관련성이 더 높은 업데이트 ; Dennis D'Amico ; SimplyIOA ; Rod Freeman ; Jorge Ignacio Acosta ; Angel Mercado ; Yasser Imran ; MBC Public Adjusters ; Intelligent Insurer ; Ron Arnold ; 2023 P&C Combined Ratio Forecasted to Deteriorate to 103.8
Vehicles now collect a vast trove of personal data—from navigation history to text messages—that companies are increasingly looking to monetize, raising concerns about data privacy. Cars today are like smartphones that have numerous apps connected to the internet which collect and share large amounts of data. Most owners do not know the amount of personal data that their vehicle collects and transmits, who collects it, for what purpose, and how it is used. According to Privacy4Cars, a tech firm that aims to resolve privacy issues in the aut ...
In short: ; An investigation by consumer advocacy group Choice found most of Australia's popular car brands collect and share "driver data", ranging from braking patterns to video footage. ; Kia and Hyundai collect voice recognition data from inside their cars and sell it to an artificial intelligence software training company. ; Privacy and consumer rights advocates are pushing for law reform to limit data collection to what is "fair and reasonable".
State of property & casualty insurance 2020 April 2020 The... P&C insurance, and why it matters 10 Six market-shaping forces... 44 The insurance industry is often perceived as complicated...
The coronavirus pandemic could cause structural changes to the US auto insurance industry. Understanding the range of scenarios can help carriers plan for an uncertain future.
Transforming Insurance Securing competitive advantage KPMG INTERNATIONAL Contents 2 | Transforming Insurance... of Insurance, KPMG in the UK Gary Reader Global Head of Insurance...
Today’s cars are akin to smartphones, with apps connected to the internet that collect huge amounts of data, some of which is highly personal. Most drivers have no idea what data is being transmitted from their vehicles, let alone who exactly is collecting, analyzing, and sharing that data, and with whom. A recent survey of drivers by the Automotive Industries Association of Canada found that only 28 percent of respondents had a clear understanding of the types of data their vehicle produced, and the same percentage said they had a clear unde ...
February 2022 Creating value, finding focus: Global Insurance Report 2022 This report is a collaborative effort by Pierre-Ignace Bernard, Stephan Binder, Alexander D’Amico, Henri de...