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Alecta’s new management dumps Bloomberg EMS for FlexTrade - Global Trading

Less than a year after replacing top management over corruption and governance scandals, Swedish pension fund giant Alecta is jumping into a new EMS

Alecta Optimizes Cross-Asset Trading and Execution with FlexTRADER EMS | AFP.com

LONDON ; FlexTrade Systems (@FlexTrade), a global leader in multi-asset execution and order management systems, and Alecta, the fifth-biggest occupational pension company in Europe, today announced that Alecta is live and in production using FlexTRADER EMS for equities and derivatives trading. Stockholm-based Alecta decided to replace its existing EMS solution to support the efficient growth of its equities and derivatives trading activities. The new solution selected would need to deliver the a...

Alecta Taps FlexTrade’s EMS For Equities And Derivatives Trading

The multi-asset execution and order management system by FlexTrade has been fully deployed by Alecta, which will be using the flagship EMS to handle equities and derivatives execution. Alecta has decided to replace its existing EMS solution to support the efficient growth of its equities and derivatives trading activities. The firm wanted a solution capable of delivering ...

Raleigh Capital Management Inc. Acquires 518 Shares of Cintas Co. (NASDAQ:CTAS) - American Banking and Ma....

Several other institutional investors and hedge funds have also recently added to or reduced their stakes in the business. Alecta Tjanstepension Omsesidigt lifted its stake in Cintas by 300.0% during the third quarter. Alecta Tjanstepension Omsesidigt now owns 1,630,000 shares of the business services provider’s stock worth $335,552,000 after purchasing an additional 1,222,500 shares during the last quarter. Legal & General Group Plc lifted its stake in Cintas by 0.4% during the second quarter...


Beadell Investment Counsel, Inc. a16z Perennial Management, L.P. AA Financial Advisors, LLC · AAF Wealth Management, LLC · AAFMAA Wealth Management & Trust LLC · Aaron Wealth Advisors LLC · Abacus Planning Group, Inc. Abacus Wealth Partners, LLC · Abbot Financial Management, Inc. Abbrea Capital, LLC · Abdiel Capital Advisors, LP · Abel Hall, LLC · Aberdeen Wealth Management LLC · ABG-WTT Global Life Science Capital Partners GP Ltd · Abich Financial Wealth Management LLC · A...


of Management, Erasmus University CEPR Willem Schramade Erasmus Platform for Sustainable Value Creation NN Investment Partners Non-technical summary Investors can realise long-term...

Public Sector Pension Investment Board Lowers Stake in Ulta Beauty, Inc. (NASDAQ:ULTA) - American Banking....

International Assets Investment Management LLC increased its position in shares of Ulta Beauty by 180,713.0% during the third quarter. International Assets Investment Management LLC now owns 1,238,569 shares of the specialty retailer’s stock worth $481,952,000 after acquiring an additional 1,237,884 shares during the period. Ontario Teachers Pension Plan Board bought a new position in Ulta Beauty in the third quarter worth approxi ...

Scaling Blended Finance for Climate Solution Investment in Emerging Markets – United Nations Environment

Dr. Andrea Hauser, Member of the Management Committee, KfW ; Marc-André Blanchard, Executive Vice-President and Global Head of Sustainability, CDPQ ; Magnus Billing, CEO, Alecta

EQT introduces longer hold investment strategy - Anticimex

first investment by EQT’s longer-hold strategy with impact... and Alecta Natural next step on EQT’s overall strategic... under management across 26 active funds within two business...


웹사이트 : http://www.flextrade.com, 업계 : 금융 서비스, 회사 규모 : 직원 501 - 1,000명, 본사 : New York Great Neck, 유형 : 비상장기업, 설립 : 1996, 전문 분야 : Multi-Asset Trading, Electronic Trading, Algorithmic Trading, Transaction Cost Analysis (TCA), Equities, FX, Options, Futures, Advanced Analytics, Fixed Income, Execution Management Systems (EMS), Order Management Systems (OMS), Market Access 및 AlgoWheel

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