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12 Steps of Recovery: How These Programs Work

The 12 steps of recovery were introduced by Alcoholics Anonymous and are still used in many mutual support programs. Learn more about the 12 steps and how they work.

San Francisco's 'Managed Alcohol Program' gives free booze to alcoholics

San Francisco offers a $5 million program for homeless alcoholics to receive free alcohol to help stabilize drinking patterns.

San Francisco buys vodka shots for homeless alcoholics in taxpayer-funded program

A pilot managed alcohol program in San Francisco provides free glasses of beer and vodka shots to homeless alcoholics so that they won't use the city's emergency services.

Twelve-step program

Developed in the 1930s, the first twelve-step program, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), founded by... an alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional family. Co-Dependents Anonymous ( CoDA ) addresses...

Give an alcoholic an hourly drink: Why a controversial Canadian program is catching attention in Australi....

A controversial Canadian program that gives a regulated, hourly dose of wine to alcoholics to help manage their addiction and keep them safe has caught the attention of health care researchers in A...

San Francisco is giving taxpayer-funded shots of vodka to homeless alcoholics in $5m program organizers c....

San Francisco's managed alcohol program provides beer and vodka shots to homeless alcoholics as part of a harm reduction strategy. The program has been running for four years.

San Francisco's 'Managed Alcohol Program' gives free booze to alcoholics - NewsNation

San Francisco offers a $5 million program for homeless alcoholics to receive free alcohol to help stabilize drinking patterns.

(알코올중독자의 회복을 위한) 통합치료프로그램 =(The) integrated treatment program for the recovery of alc....

자료유형 : 단행본, 개인저자 : 허근, 서명/저자사항 : (알코올중독자의 회복을 위한) 통합치료프로그램=(The) integrated treatment program for the recovery of alcoholics /허근 지음, 발행사항 : 서울:이땅의얼굴,2012, 형태사항 : 264 p.:도표,23 cm, 대등표제 : (The) integrated treatment program for the recovery of alcoholics, ISBN : 9788996796756, 일반주기 : 부록주기: 권말부록: 통합치료프로그램 측정도구 등

RBS Training Program | Alcoholic Beverage Control

STEP ONE: REGISTER · On-premises alcoholic beverage servers and their managers must register in the RBS Portal. ; STEP TWO: TRAINING · Complete your training from an authorized RBS Training Provider. ; STEP THREE: PASS EXAM · Pass the ABC Alcohol Server Certification Exam within 30 days of your confirmed training.

Welcome - Adult Children of Alcoholics & Dysfunctional Families

Welcome to Adult Children of Alcoholics®& Dysfunctional Families ; Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA)/Dysfunctional Families is a Twelve Step, Twelve Tradition program of people who grew up in dysfunctional homes. We meet to share our experience of growing up in an environment where abuse, neglect and trauma infected us. This affects us today and influences how we deal with all aspects of our lives. ACA provides a safe, nonjudgmental environment that allows us to grieve our childhoods and cond...

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