◆ Cases that Alar Surgery is Needed ; 01. In case of low and spread nasal tip ; 02. In case of wide and round nostrils ; 03. When the nasal tip makes the nose look wide and flabby
Alar Base Reduction is a great way to narrow wide nostrils. Dr. Kimberly Lee in Los Angeles is dedicated to achieving the optimum results with Alar Base Reduction.
Before ; After ; Before ; After ; Before ; After
Ideal width of nostrils are 1/5 of full face ; Ideal length of nostrils are 2/3 of the nose ; Nostril should be 5~10 degrees higher than the tip point
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Do you think your nostrils are too wide? Thankfully, you can correct wide nostrils with an alar base reduction. New York Rhinoplasty Surgeon Dr. Rizk can help!
Blunt and Wide-looking Alar Base correction ; Nostril Reduction ; Untitled — The Shape of Your Nose Tells a Ton about Your... ; Alar Base Reduction Following Rhinoplasty ; small, button nose aesthetic
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※ There are cases where both alar base reduction and alarplasty are required. Before / After Pictures Alar reduction More before and after photos
Objectives: ; Describe the pathophysiology of nasal fractures. ; Summarize the causes of nasal fractures. ; Review the treatment options for nasal fractures.