While paying for car insurance is far from the most enjoyable part of driving, it's a necessary part of getting behind the wheel. Here's where young drivers can find the lowest car insurance rates.
For young adults between 21 and 25 years old, the best and most affordable car insurance companies are USAA, Central Insurance and Travelers.
Cheap car insurance for young drivers is possible, based on Bankrate’s analysis.
Key Takeaways ; Driving for pleasure means you drive occasionally, perhaps for recreational trips or just on weekends. ; Commuting is when you regularly drive your car to work, which is different from using your car as part of your job. ; The more you drive your car, the higher your risk of being in an accident, which generally means paying higher premiums.
Our analysis found the best and most affordable car insurance companies for teens are Central Insurance, Erie Insurance and Country Financial.
Advertising disclosure: When you use our links to explore or buy products we may earn a fee, but that in no way affects our editorial independence. Car insurance costs average about $172 per month for the everyday driver. Whether you’ll pay more or less than that depends on many variables. We found that the average car insurance rates were lowest for drivers in Maine and Idaho, as well as for senior drivers, drivers with good credit, and low-mileage drivers. Learn the average cost of car insur...
Car insurance for women typically costs less than coverage for male drivers, with the gender-influenced price gap being larger for teens and young adults.
Key Points ; USAA is the cheapest car insurance company in Maryland overall, with an average rate of $43 per month for minimum coverage and $121 per month for full coverage. ; GEICO and Travelers also offer affordable car insurance rates for many driver profiles. ; If you are younger than 25 or have traffic violations, your car insurance rates will be higher than average.
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