An advanced persistent threat ( APT ) is a stealthy threat actor, typically a state or state-sponsored group, which gains unauthorized access to a computer network and remains undetected for an extended period. In recent times, the term may also refer to non-state-sponsored groups conducti...
An advanced persistent threat encompasses extended, covert and targeted assault strategies. Learn about APT techniques and how to detect them effectively.
Advanced Persistent Threat 지능적이고(Advanced) 지속적인(Persistent) 공격(Threat)을 가하는 해킹의 통칭. 여기까지는 대부분의 보안업계 종사자들이 동의하는 내용이지만 구체적으로 들어가면 각자 정의가 달라진다. 어느...
An Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) is a stealthy and continuous cyberattack by skilled hackers aiming to gain long-term access to networks to steal data or cause damage.
An advanced persistent threat (APT) is a type of cyberattack in which the attacker gains and maintains unauthorized access to a targeted network. APTs use social engineering tactics or exploit vuln...
Learn about Advanced Persistent Threats (ATP), an attack that's continuous over a long period of time.
Advanced persistent threats (APTs) hide in your network undetected, and as attacks evolve, businesses of all sizes are at risk. Learn how to detect and prevent APT attacks.
'advanced persistent threat'의 한국어 번역 확인하기. advanced persistent threat의 번역 예문을 살펴보고, 발음을 듣고 문법을 배워보세요.
An advanced persistent threat is a hacker or group of great ability and resources that can breach and exfiltrate data from a network.
Explore Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs): ATA distinctions, real-world examples, attack mechanisms, key traits, and effective damage control strategies.