Gain deep visibility into AD users, groups, roles, and more with our comprehensive reporting tool, Enterprise Reporter for Active Directory.
Access Azure Active Directory data from reporting tools, databases, and custom applications! Our Drivers make integration a snap, providing an easy-to-use database-like interface to Azure DevOps data!
Discover the top Active Directory reporting tools to enhance AD management, ensure compliance, and boost efficiency.
Integrated administration · Proactively manage AD to better meet auditing requirements, tighten security, increase productivity and improve business continuity. ; Streamlined security permissions · Quickly understand AD security then delegate control with customizable and reusable templates. ; Keep authorizations in check · Eliminate over-privileged users by assessing, standardizing and applying security policies and permissions.
Active Directory Audit Software – Why do you need it? ; A comprehensive Active Directory auditing software which eliminates the need for investing in additional tools. ; No Agent installation. Installing and configuring this AD auditing tool takes just a few minutes. ; Works as a desktop enterprise application connecting to all the required domain controllers in your AD.
Active directory auditing tools, like Change Auditor for Active Directory, secure AD and Azure AD by detecting real-time changes, events and attacks.
Change Auditor for AD queries is an Active Directory query tool that provides real-time tracking, analysis and reporting on LDAP queries.
Active Directory Reports Web Application that provides Active Directory Reports I wrote this web application back in 2017 to provide more visibility to Active Directory. This web...
Download isimSoftware Active Directory Reporting 5.0 - Analyze data and preview a wide range of report types, with this Active Directory tool that comes equipped with an automation module
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