Legitimate online degree programs are accredited by agencies recognized by either the... Education's list . Students shouldn't hesitate to ask school officials about accreditation as well...
recognizes online schools, but not all schools on this list are accredited by that agency. This list includes schools that... American College of Education American College of Healthcare...
3,500 Online Accredited Schools - Explore the OEDb database for accredited online colleges. Search & compare by state and available online degree programs.
If the online school isn’t on the list of accredited schools, future employers won’t accept the degrees it gives, so look for another online college. As the demand for online degree...
Rank, School Name, Tuition Per Credit (Out of State), Application Deadline ; #1, University at Buffalo--SUNY, $353, Rolling ; #2, University of Florida, $500, Rolling ; #3, University of Illinois--Chicago, $361, Rolling ; #4 (tie), Arizona State University, $563, Rolling ; #4 (tie), North Carolina State University, $1,225, Feb. 15 ; #4 (tie), Oregon State University, $350, Rolling ; #7 (tie), Ohio State Online, $390, Rolling ; #7 (tie), Texas A&M University--College Station, $1,198, Jan. 15 ; #7 (tie), University of Central Florida, $716, Rolling ; #7 (tie), University of North Carolina--Charlotte, $318, July 1 ; #11 (tie), CUNY School of Professional Studies, $350, Rolling ; #11 (tie), University of Arizona, $505, Rolling ; #13 (tie), Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University--Worldwide, $485, Rolling ; #13 (tie), George Washington University, $661, Rolling ; #13 (tie), University of Georgia, $326, May 1
Each school featured is a nonprofit, accredited institution... Next, we compared this comprehensive list of online colleges and universities to a list of aggregated college rankings from...
Explore our database of the top accredited online colleges both locally and nationally. Find degree and career information to enroll in the best program for you.
Are there online accredited schools where I can pursue my degree and get a quality education? Which schools rank as the best online accredited colleges?
Online colleges are a popular option for students. Discover the top-ranked accredited online colleges for your degree.
Explore our 2023 list of the best Catholic colleges ranked by salary score that offer a wide variety of online degrees at all levels.