A 695 credit score is considered good. Find out more about your credit score and learn steps you can take to improve your credit.
Discover which states have the best and worst credit scores and learn what factors influence these rankings.
What is the average credit score? The answer isn’t so simple. Learn more about average credit scores and how many scores you have.
Experian analyzed the credit scores of Americans to find the average credit score in the U.S. Compare how credit scores differ across the U.S.
A 715 credit score is near the top of the good range. With this score, you should have no problem qualifying for loans or credit cards.
Find answers to many of your credit score questions as we breakdown the average credit score statistics by race, age, generation, state, and economic class.
Discover what the average credit score is, why it matters, and how it affects your financial health.
Consumers are getting a better grade when it comes to how they use credit these days. Here's what you can do to improve your score.
The average credit score in the US is 698, but this score varies in each state. Compare your credit score with your state’s average score and learn more here.
Americans' average Vantage credit scores rose to 695 last quarter, a seven-point increase from the second quarter of 2020