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Solved: Windows 7 64-bit + Oracle 32-bit ODBC not working

Solved: Has anyone gotten JMP 9 or 10 on Windows 7 64-bit to work with a 32-bit Oracle ODBC? I set up several Oracle ODBC data sources using the

윈도우 7 ODBC 사용자 dsn의 설치가 안되요 - Microsoft 커뮤니티

윈도우 7 프로페셔널 64bit 을 깔았고 아수스 p5k-e,cpu는 E6600 콘로,램은 ek memory 4G 입니다 윈도우 7을 깔고 오피스 2007을 깔았는데 전에 쓰던 XP에서는 데이터 원본(odbc) 사용자 dsn에서 추가를 누르면 MS Access driver 등등 여러가지가 있었는데 지금은 sql server 밖에 없고 사용자 dsn화면은

Jdbc Odbc Driver For Windows 7 32 Bit Free Download

Jdbc Odbc Driver For Windows 7 32 Bit Free Download Jdbc Odbc Driver For Windows 7 32 Bit Free Download 1 / 4 2 / 4 You can not receive notifications when you violate the terms of service...

64 bit - How can I open the 32-bit ODBC Data Source Administrator in Windows 7 64-bit?

I want to add 32-bit data sources. There seems to be no obvious way to see existing instances of these or create new ones. How can I open the 32-bit "ODBC Data Source Administrator" window in Wind...

windows 7 - Why is my 32bit ODBC connection not showing up in odbcad32.exe?

I have a Windows 7 64bit system that must run a 32bit application that accesses a MSSQL Server 2005 express via an ODBC connection. After installation everything was working fine. Now a few weeks a...

windows 7 - System DSN vs user DSN

Recently, we get more and more Windows 7 machines, and this... In Administrative Tools on a 64-bit Windows 8 operating system, there are icons for both the 32-bit and 64-bit ODBC Data...

윈도우 ODBC 설정 하기 :: Something Special

설정할때마다 까먹는 부분이라 메모를 남긴다. 윈도우7 32bit ODBC C드라이브 ->Windows -> SysWOW64 -> odbcad32.exe 실행 윈도우7 64bit ODBC 제어판 -> 관리도구-> 데이터원본(ODBC) 실행 또는 C드라이브 ->Windows -> System32 -> odbcad32.exe 실행 윈도우10 시작 -> 설정...

How to connect to SQL database with Windows 7

When I attempt to run the same shortcut on my Windows 7 (32 bit) laptop (Dell 3340) it starts... Your XP machine probably had the MySQL (or other SQL DB) ODBC connector software/drivers...

Windows 7 64 비트에서 32 비트 ODBC 데이터 소스 관리자를 어떻게 열 수 있습니까?

[해결책을 찾았습니다!] 이 경로에서 데이터 소스 편집기를 실행하십시오 c:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe. 참조 : http://blogs.msdn.com/b/farukcelik/archive/2008/10/17/why-my-32-bit-applications-cannot-see-the-odbc-dsns-that-i-creat...

windows 7 - 32 vs. 64-bit ODBC Administor Utilities

According to this web site: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/942976 •The 32-bit version of the Odbcad32.exe file is located in the %systemdrive%\Windows\SysWoW64 folder. •The 64-bit version of the

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