안녕하세요, 지원자 여러분의 가능성을 열어드리는 MBA Lab입니다. 오늘은 여러 미국 MBA/MS 과정 중에서도 가장 유명한 1년 과정 프로그램을 소개해 드리겠습니다. 미드 커리어에 계신 분들께 많은 도움 되시기를 바라겠습니다. 1년 짜리 프로그램은 기존 미국 MBA 과정보다 더 경력이 있는 지원자를 대상으로 합니다. 스탠포드 MSx의 경우 8년 이상의 경력이 있는 분들만 지원할 수 있...
You want a hands-on, practical program that empowers you to make a positive impact. You aim... Our new future-oriented MBA curriculum combines renowned leadership development with the...
Rank : 1, Overall Score: 100 ; Rank : 2, Overall Score: 99.8
Highlight of the Program Program Name: Global Tech MBA 1 year MBA program (full-time) 100% in English Balanced curriculum between Tech and Business World-class faculties from SNU, Yonsei...
The top-ranked One-Year MBA program at Duquesne integrates sustainable business practices throughout the curriculum, and equips you with experiential learning and competitive expertise in just one...
1. Harvard University ; 2. University of Chicago (Booth) ; 3. Northwestern University (Kellogg) ; 4. University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) ; 5. Columbia University ; 6. Stanford University ; 7. University of Michigan–Ann Arbor (Ross) ; 8. Duke University (Fuqua) ; 9. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sloan) ; 10. New York University (Stern)
Looking for a fast business degree? Learn about the accelerated MBA combined degree program and earn your 1 year MBA degree from Adelphi University in New York.
Skill up with a challenge-based MBA ; Accelerate your career in international business in one intensive year with a transformative MBA experience that immerses you in diversity and takes you across the globe. Develop the skills most in demand with employers worldwide, learn business by doing it, and specialize in your chosen area so you graduate with the practical skills, applicable knowledge, and effective mindsets to transform your life and career. Key skills developed:
Earn your master’s degree in business administration by enrolling in a 1 year MBA program at Bryant, an AACSB-accredited college with high rankings for ROI.
Full-Time MBA (STEM) ; Part-Time MBA ; Executive MBA