called "Positioner". This appliance is used in orthodontics at the end of treatment to allow teeth to settle in occlusion.[1] In 1945, H.D. Kesling stated that “Major tooth movements...
웹사이트 :, 업계 : 의료기기, 회사 규모 : 직원 501 - 1,000명, 본사 : IN La Porte, 유형 : 비상장기업, 설립 : 1942, 전문 분야 : Orthodontic Supplies, Aesthetic Braces, Custom Orthodontic Appliances, Dental/Orthodontics, Clear Aligner Trays, Orthodontic Finishing Appliances, Orthodontic Education 및 Medical Device Manufacturing
of orthodontics. The functional appliances can be divided into fixed and removable. The fixed... The Positioner Appliance was developed by Harold Kesling in 1944 in order to aid the...
Abstract Tooth Positioner는 band를 제거한 후 가능한 빨리... Positioner의 장착시간은 하루에 $3\~4$시간의 active biting exercise와... Positioner가 느슨하게 적합되고 좋은 교합관계를 보이면 장착을...
gnathologic positioner. European journal of orthodontics, v.11 no.3, 1989년, pp.221 - 227 내보내기 MyON담기 Abstract ▼ AI-Helper To investigate whether orthodontic cases can fulfil gnathologic...
14, Ti-Customized Abutment 사용자설명서, 관리자, 3698 ; 13, Temporary Abutment 사용자설명서, 관리자, 3709 ; 12, Screw&Angled screw Abutment 사용자설명서, 관리자, 3575 ; 11, Positioner Abutment 사용자설명서, 관리자, 3603 ; 10, Metal Casting Abutment 사용자설명서, 관리자, 3226 ; 9, Magnetic keeper 사용자설명서, 관리자, 3257 ; 8, IOS Healing&Scan Abutment 사용자설명서, 관리자, 3542 ; 7, Healing Abutment 사용자설명서, 관리자, 4253 ; 6, Dual Abutment 사용자설명서, 관리자, 3746 ; 5, Direct Casting Abutment 사용자설명서, 관리자, 3471 ; 4, Custom&Milling Abutment 사용자설명서, 관리자, 3639 ; 3, Combi Abutment 사용자설명서, 관리자, 3435 ; 2, Ball Abutment 사용자설명서, 관리자, 3273 ; 1, Angled Abutment 사용자설명서, 관리자, 3235
Sub-specialties Orthodontics Peter C. Kesling (born 1932) was an American orthodontist known... Harold Kesling, who was also an orthodontist, and who invented the tooth positioner...
참고문헌 (18) ; Am J Orthod Oral Surg Kesling 31 298 1945 10.1016/0096-6347(45)90101-3 The philosophy of the tooth positioning appliance ; Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop Durbin 90 375 1986 10.1016/0889-5406(86)90003-X Changes in tooth contacts following orthodontic treatment ; Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop Haydar 102 22 1992 10.1016/0889-5406(92)70011-X Occlusal contact changes after the active phase of orthodontic treatment ; Angle Orthod Sauget 67 223 1997 Comparison of occlusal contacts with use of Hawley and clear overlay retainers
132 CASE REPORT 1 이전부터심미에대한욕구및관심으로교정치 료에대한수요는점차증가하고있다. 하지 만교정치료기간중특히성인에서교정장치가타 인에게드러나는것을원하지않으며1그에따라심...