어떤 대학교에 다니는지 물어볼 때 'What university did you go to?'라고 하면 과거에 다녔던 대학을 묻는 것이에요. 현재 다니고 있는 대학을 물어볼 때는 'What college do you go to?'라고 물어볼 수 있어요.
The Man Who Couldn’t Stop Going to College Benjamin B. Bolger has spent his whole life amassing academic degrees. What can we learn from him?
Find out what you need to bring to test centers if you're taking a SAT administration.
Adults returning to earn their degree should look for colleges with flexible programs and on-campus support services.
The Electoral College is a process, not a place. The Founding Fathers established it in the Constitution, in part, as a compromise between the election of the President by a vote in Congress and el...
Before test day, make sure you're familiar with these procedures and rules. ; Monitor your email and the test center closings webpage in the days leading up to your test and the day of your test to make sure your test center hasn't changed or closed. ; We also recommend you check the test center's website on the morning of the test. ; Arrive on time on test day. Be sure to check your admission ticket for your arrival time and the address of your test center. Test centers open at 7:45 a.m. and doors close at 8 a.m. unless otherwise noted on your admission ticket. You can't be admitted once testing has started. If you're late or absent on test day, you'll need to register again, and the standard testing fees will apply.
the College Board, a nonprofit that develops the SAT and other standardized tests and curricula. Here's what to know about the differences between the two rounds, as well as reasons...
Being the first in your family to attend college is rewarding, but comes with challenges.
Students who earn good grades do all the basics: go to class, do the homework and ask for help.
Going back to college at 30 might seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are some tips and advice that can help.