Free Real-time FFT frequency spectrum analyzer plugin. A lot of options for visual look customization. Features statistics, correlation meter, EBU R128 metering.
Extended real-time FFT frequency spectrum analyzer plugin. Features a wide view, statistics, correlation meter, EBU R128, and real-time spectrum import/export.
Notable Features: ; Human auditory model incl. auditory masking. ; Wide range of tilting and weighting options. ; Supports sidechain inputs, external files, and links to other plugin instances.
Seven Phases 에서 Spectrum Analyzer VST 플러그인을 무료 공개하였습니다.이 플러그인은 "real-time spectrum analysis VST plug-in" 으로 실시간 주파수 스펙트럼을 보여주고 창의 크기를 자유롭게 조절 할수 있다고 합니다.※ 큐오넷 기사를 무단도용하거나 불법공유에 이용하시면 법적인 처벌을 받습니다…
TB Spectrogram: A visual support tool to inspect time and frequency. Free. Visualize the audio spectrum; see what notes and frequency ranges were active over time. Switch between spectrogram and spectrum analyzer modes. Spectrogram is completely free and included in the ToneBoosters software installer available here. Features:
TBProAudio 에서 gEQ12 라는 플러그인을 소개 합니다.이 플러그인은 12 band stereo/MS graphic equalizer 플러그인입니다거기에 spectrum analyzer 기능과 minimum mode/linear phase mode 등을 지원하는 편리한 EQ 플러그인입니다. 인터렉티브 EQ disp…
이 플러그인의 가격은 $49 이며, 64 bit AU, VST, VST3, AAX 플러그인 포맷을 모두 지원합니다.... 자체적으로 고해상도 spectrum analyzer 가 탑재되어 있어서 사운드의 변화를 모니터링 하면서...
Make some space ; Shape the decay time ; Versatility galore
이를 테스트하기 위해, 저희는 Windows에 VST 타입의 SampleGrabber를, 맥북 OS X Lion에는 Pure Analyzer를... Spectrum Analyzer : 주파수별 진폭을 다양한 컬러로 보여줌 Spectogram : 주파수 변화를 시간의 진행에...
HoRNet MultiFreqs is a spectrum analyser that provides two different kind of visualisation of the audio spectrum for up to 28 tracks together. The first visualisation type is called "analog" and is inspired to an analog hardware spectrum analyser that is still found on the master of many recording studios even today, the second one is called "digital" and it's our own take on the typical spectrum analyser based on the FFT (the standard math to transform an audio file into its spectrum components...